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Social Media Helps Broadcast the Royal Wedding to Millions

29 Apr

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management If you aren’t aware by now that Prince William and Kate Middleton got married earlier today, they did in fact tie the knot. Those lucky
enough to be present at the wedding across the pond in London, had maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a children’s fairy tale play out in reality. For the rest of us, we had ample amounts of press coverage to experience this tale vicariously through the newlyweds. The advances in technology as well as social networking sites have provided the Royal Family with enough platforms to follow the wedding no matter where on the planet you reside.

Like any major event that takes place, media coverage from news
networks around the world broadcast  it live as much as possible to
gain a steady viewer base. CBS News, Fox News, ABC News and BBC, along with just about every other major news network, began coverage early in the morning EST, while some stations are still covering it live. But is traditional media coverage enough for today’s busy and constantly on-the-move society? No. Which is why on any social media site you log on to, there are links and advertisements on where to watch the Royal Wedding live on the Internet. Continue reading…