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Want to Video Chat Your Facebook Friends? The Skype and Facebook Merger Continues…

7 Mar

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management Skype and Facebook have been working on a partnership for quite some time now. Skype 5.0, launched in October 2010, allows its users to call, text, or chat their Facebook friends. Skypers are able to get in contact with any of their Facebook friends through their personal newsfeed. This new feature for Skype was big news, but now there is more hype about the Facebook/Skype relationship due to talk about a video chat feature for Facebook.

Back in November 2010, a Facebook app developer came across some interesting HTML code in the backend of the site. A code in the back of an application, named VideoChat, contained some links back to Skype. These discovered properties would allow Skype and Facebook users to videoconference with each other.

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