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The Profile of the Social Consumer and How to Interact With Them

17 Oct

social media marketing, social media management, progressive media conceptsLet’s face it; social media has changed the way businesses have to interact with their customers. What used to be a one-way, company-centric selling process has become a customer-driven procedure. Social media has revolutionized the way consumers go about buying their products and services. If your business doesn’t understand the new-age purchasing behavior of your consumers, you are sure to be left in the dust.

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Traditional Advertising vs. Social Media Marketing: Which do Consumers Trust More?

25 Jul

social media marketing, social media managementDo you think that social media is a phase? Well, it may very well be, but regardless of how social media progresses in the future, there is no doubt that it has changed consumer behavior. Before social media came to be, consumers were listening to messages from the company itself. Whether it is a print, television, or radio advertisement, the only person educating about the product is the business. Now with the social media revolution, companies are not the only ones raving about their product. Consumers are speaking too, and they aren’t scared to tell the truth.

How many times have you purchased something from TV because you saw a commercial and thought a product looked awesome? When you used the product, did it work as well as you perceived it would? What I’m trying to get at here is, were you a victim to the Slap Chop?

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