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How to Design Your Social Monitoring Plan

24 Oct

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementMeasuring and recording the analytics of your social media sites is important in providing insights to your overall campaign. Social monitoring goes beyond those numbers inputted for your data records. Measuring is when you use analytical platforms to measure your social progress. Social media monitoring is using a tool to crawl the web and find online users who are mentioning your brand, your products, or your competitors, and then engaging with them.

If you have all of your analytics set up, wonderful! But it’s time to take your social media game up a notch with a monitoring tool. But before we get to speaking about which tools are best for your business, (yes, there are free ones), let’s try to help set up your social monitoring plan.

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How to Get Your Brand Ready for Social Media Marketing

7 Oct

Gearing up for social media.

Social media has become a main stream way for companies and brands alike to connect with their following. Going further than just engaging their consumer, brands now have several more outlets to market and promote their product and service. What some brands are having trouble with is how to properly get started with social media.

I am particularly aiming this blog towards the small to medium sized businesses. Companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, and any other name brand company have the funds at their disposal to do whatever they like; they can create a campaign, then completely overhaul it 5 times over if they please. I am dedicating this post to the companies that are up and coming, who are looking to jump on the social media bandwagon and would like to hit the ground running. There is still a large population of companies and businesses that have not yet adopted social media. So how do you get your company geared up for a social media strategy? Continue reading…

Short Tail Keywords and Long Tail Keywords for Business

22 Jul

Short vs. Long Tail KeywordsThe Internet today is in a league of its own. Not even your local library contains more information than what is available on the Internet. Heck, all of the information in the library is available online, if you do the proper research. But isn’t it annoying when you do hours of research and find a minimal amount of information regarding the topic you seek? Of course it is, but there are ways to navigate the World Wide Web in order to find exactly what you’re looking for, and it’s by using the right keywords.
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Why You Need to Monitor Your Social Media Sites

13 Jun

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and ManagementSo you are aware of social media marketing and what it can do for your business. You have Facebook, Twitter and even a blog for your company set up. You usually post a couple of times a week, but sometimes you get so busy that you completely forget about your social sites for a month or two. But this isn’t a big deal because you are the administrator of the site, right? WRONG. Leaving your company’s social sites unattended to can have a huge negative impact on your brand image, and that’s why monitoring all of your accounts is so important!

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