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How to Get Your Brand Ready for Social Media Marketing

7 Oct

Gearing up for social media.

Social media has become a main stream way for companies and brands alike to connect with their following. Going further than just engaging their consumer, brands now have several more outlets to market and promote their product and service. What some brands are having trouble with is how to properly get started with social media.

I am particularly aiming this blog towards the small to medium sized businesses. Companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, and any other name brand company have the funds at their disposal to do whatever they like; they can create a campaign, then completely overhaul it 5 times over if they please. I am dedicating this post to the companies that are up and coming, who are looking to jump on the social media bandwagon and would like to hit the ground running. There is still a large population of companies and businesses that have not yet adopted social media. So how do you get your company geared up for a social media strategy? Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses

28 Sep

Sam Bridge Nursery and GreenhousesFor this week’s Social Media Spotlight, we are happy to present Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses. Sam Bridge Nursery is a full service, year-round, garden center that provides customers with a large selection of top quality plants for the home and garden. Not only do they supply plants, they also offer landscape design, installation, and Sam Bridge Premier Garden Care. Sam Bridge Nursery is well known within their industry and has been providing top quality products for over 80 years. We had the pleasure to speak with the manager of sales and marketing for Sam Bridge Nursery, Maggie Bridge, about their social media campaign, and here is what she had to say: Continue reading…

How To Reach Mommy Bloggers

9 Sep

Mommy Blog For BusinessUsing a blog as a part of your social media campaign is a great way to supply important news, information and advice to your target market. Blogs, unlike other social networks, give you the ability to have a greater reach within an online community because there are no character restraints. There is no limit on your press releases and articles about new products. Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: GUESS Watches

31 Aug

These days, who has the time to keep track of time? This is precisely why we are proud to introduce a company who is restyling the timepiece industry, one wrist at a time. GUESS Watches is a timekeeping accessory company with a focus on lifestyle driven fashion. Their watches are sold in over 100 countries globally to fit the fashion and style of everyone’s need. If you haven’t browsed through their wide selection of watches, you must visit GUESS Watches online today. We had the pleasure of speaking with Tarra Del Chiaro, New Media Specialist for GUESS Watches, about their social media campaign. Here is what she had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…

How to Reward Your Social Media Fans

1 Aug

social media marketing, social media managementSocial media marketing is a two way street. With some companies still trying to understand exactly what kind of content they should create for their fans, rewarding them sometimes gets overlooked. We understand that one of your main goals might be to get as many Likes or followers as you can, but how good is having a fan that feels unnoticed or unappreciated? It is important to make sure that you give back to your supporters, and not just receive their affection towards your brand.

If you are an adamant reader of our blog, you should know that giveaways, coupons, discounts and responding to all of your fans comments and questions are all extremely important. But these strategies are becoming ordinary in terms of how fans are being rewarded. It’s time to step up your reward game and think outside of the box.

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Short Tail Keywords and Long Tail Keywords for Business

22 Jul

Short vs. Long Tail KeywordsThe Internet today is in a league of its own. Not even your local library contains more information than what is available on the Internet. Heck, all of the information in the library is available online, if you do the proper research. But isn’t it annoying when you do hours of research and find a minimal amount of information regarding the topic you seek? Of course it is, but there are ways to navigate the World Wide Web in order to find exactly what you’re looking for, and it’s by using the right keywords.
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How to Plan a Solid Social Media Campaign in Just a Few Minutes

15 Jul

Goals for Social MediaOkay, so the title was a little fabrication to grab your attention. It worked, just like how a properly designed social media campaign should entice your consumer to engage with your brand. Although there is no easy way to design a social media marketing campaign, we will cover some of the steps needed to be taken when considering what you will need for such an initiative. Planning a campaign takes time, patience and a true understanding of where you want to take your brand.

The first step towards designing a social media plan of attack is understanding your target market. Since your company is already up and running, your target market should already be established. If for some reason a target market has not been decided, it is best that you do that now. Right now. Pause reading this, and come back after you have targeted a demographic.
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How Non-Profits Can Use Social Media Marketing for Good Causes

24 Jun

Using social media for a good causeUsing the popular social media networks for your personal page or business can be very easy, as well as very different in its application by the user. Personal pages are used to connect and network, business pages are used primarily to connect and promote. One area that has not been very apparent is how non-profit organizations can use and benefit from social sites. Whether the organization is focused on illness and disease, helping animals or to save a historic building, the wide range of non-profit organizations can use the power of social media not only to boost support, but to boost charitable donations for a specific goal. Additionally, both personal and business social profiles can spur creative ideas as to help drive traffic for a non-profit’s cause.

 Setting up an e-commerce Facebook page takes proper planning. It is not uncommon for non-profit organizations to team up for a common cause and promote each other. No matter what cause your organization is working towards, money helps drive towards success. One idea is to team up with a well-known brand. For instance, if you were to get a clothing company to join in for the good of your cause, you can set up an e-commerce tab on your non-profit’s Facebook page. For every item purchased, 90% of the proceeds will go towards to the success of your cause of choice. Now if you are a non-profit organization that is fairly well known throughout the world, you could try teaming up with a not so well- known clothing brand. Not only would your organization be helping to increase the donations it accrues, you would also be helping an up-and-coming brand spread their awareness. Continue reading…

A Social Media Bubble?

10 Jun

Is there a social media bubble?Just like when anything has a rise in popularity, those sticking to their guns on the sidelines always have to raise controversy. So now that social media is the newest and hottest form of marketing and advertising, that must mean there is a bubble? A social media bubble you say? Like the dot-com bubble, right? Wrong. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the validity or effectiveness of using social media. Most common arguments claim you can’t measure ROI, or that social media relationships are fake, or whatever people will say to negate the power of social media. The arguments are a dime a dozen and rarely backed with any good juicy information. I also read an article about this “social media bubble” on the Harvard Business Review, stating social media is creating artificial connections. This article is to those skeptics who see no true value in social media and or claim there is a “bubble” inflating…

Now I am not trying to call out this one article in particular, it is very well written with great points. The writer may just lack further insight into social media as a whole, as most of his arguments are based on opinion. Continue reading

Social Media Spotlight: Swipes Lovin Wipes

1 Jun

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management This week’s featured company for our Social Media Spotlight is Swipes Lovin Wipes. An eco-friendly company owned by women, Swipes is dedicated to providing safe and natural wipes specifically designed for use before or after intimate moments. To purchase Swipes Lovin Wipes you can visit or visit  We had the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Scott, Director of Business Development for Swipes Lovin Wipes, and here is what he had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…