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Social Media Spotlight: Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses

28 Sep

Sam Bridge Nursery and GreenhousesFor this week’s Social Media Spotlight, we are happy to present Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses. Sam Bridge Nursery is a full service, year-round, garden center that provides customers with a large selection of top quality plants for the home and garden. Not only do they supply plants, they also offer landscape design, installation, and Sam Bridge Premier Garden Care. Sam Bridge Nursery is well known within their industry and has been providing top quality products for over 80 years. We had the pleasure to speak with the manager of sales and marketing for Sam Bridge Nursery, Maggie Bridge, about their social media campaign, and here is what she had to say: Continue reading…

How to Make Your Social Media Sites Stand Out From the Competition

19 Sep

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementDo you sit down and look at your company’s Facebook page everyday thinking, what can I do differently? Do you find that you are posting the same kind of material daily or that when you try to engage your audience with a thought-provoking question, there’s no response? It’s time to step your social media game up. Let’s see how we create a buzz around your Facebook, Twitter and blog sites…

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Twitter Update Leaked

19 Aug

Twitter Updates ActivityIn the world of social media, updates are a common occurrence. I mean, how can anything stay relevant and popular if it is stagnant in development and design? People today are attracted to what is popular; it’s what some would call the “Jones Effect.” Every heard of the Jones’s? Another way it is said is, “keeping up with the Jones’s.” If your neighbor down the street just bought a new car, you will think about buying one yourself, or even go out and do it. If you see your neighbor just put in a pool, chances are, you may wish you had one yourself, or even sign the contract to have one put in. The Jones Effect is, in other words, keeping up with the tide, staying relevant and modern without being left in the past. I know, a bit of a rant that may seem off topic, but look at social media today. Every social network is constantly updating its features, either mimicking already working functions or creating new and exciting features for their users. They are keeping up with the Jones’s.

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10 Ways for Businesses to Become Social on Twitter

11 Jul

Progressive Media Concepts, social media marketing, outsource, social media managementDo you currently have a Twitter page for your business? How are you using it for your social media marketing strategy? Do you just post random tweets with links to your company’s website and think that’s all you need to do in order to drive traffic and get followers? Hopefully, that is not the case. When you are using social media for business purposes, it is extremely important to realize the type of communication channel you are marketing your product or service through. You must be interactive with your fans and followers, aka be SOCIAL. Here are the top ten ways to make your business more social on the Twitter platform.

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Social Media Spotlight: Jay-O Productions

15 Jun

Jay-O Productions companyOn this week’s installment of Social Media Spotlight, we bring to you Jay-O Productions, a musical production company that creates tempos, tunes and beats for artists to record their lyrics onto. Started in 2008, Jay-O Productions has put out several releases to the public, allowing anyone to listen to their music. They have also posted beat-making videos on their YouTube channel, which is very innovative and gives you a personal feel into the activities of this production company. We had the pleasure to speak with the CEO and Founder of Jay-O Productions, Jason Osborne, about their social media strategies. Here is what he had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use?

J: I currently use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There is a good chance I have an account on any media outlet that’s popular.

 What value, if any, does social media provide to your business?

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A Social Media Bubble?

10 Jun

Is there a social media bubble?Just like when anything has a rise in popularity, those sticking to their guns on the sidelines always have to raise controversy. So now that social media is the newest and hottest form of marketing and advertising, that must mean there is a bubble? A social media bubble you say? Like the dot-com bubble, right? Wrong. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the validity or effectiveness of using social media. Most common arguments claim you can’t measure ROI, or that social media relationships are fake, or whatever people will say to negate the power of social media. The arguments are a dime a dozen and rarely backed with any good juicy information. I also read an article about this “social media bubble” on the Harvard Business Review, stating social media is creating artificial connections. This article is to those skeptics who see no true value in social media and or claim there is a “bubble” inflating…

Now I am not trying to call out this one article in particular, it is very well written with great points. The writer may just lack further insight into social media as a whole, as most of his arguments are based on opinion. Continue reading

Social Media Spotlight: Swipes Lovin Wipes

1 Jun

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management This week’s featured company for our Social Media Spotlight is Swipes Lovin Wipes. An eco-friendly company owned by women, Swipes is dedicated to providing safe and natural wipes specifically designed for use before or after intimate moments. To purchase Swipes Lovin Wipes you can visit or visit  We had the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Scott, Director of Business Development for Swipes Lovin Wipes, and here is what he had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: PayMeOn

25 May

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management In this week’s Social Media Spotlight, we have the pleasure to introduce PayMeOn, an online and mobile platform that allows users to share deals and earn real cash. The online “deal” industry is fast-growing, and widely loved and enjoyed by its users. With PayMeOn, meaning “pay me on this or pay me on that,” you are rewarded for referring a friend. Payout amounts can range from $5 up to $100 per referral, as well as offer users huge discounts on a variety of products and services. We had the opportunity to speak with Blake Ruderman, Co-Founder and VP of PayMeOn about their social media, and here is what he had to say…

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…

Social Media Enters the Workplace. A Positive or Negative?

13 May

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management Social media in the workplace seems to be controversial at times, as the opposite view points on this matter can be both backed by valid arguments. If you are the CEO, manager or bottom shelf employee working your way up the corporate ladder, chances are you have used social media during work hours. Whether it’s on your phone, tablet or computer, admit it, you at least sneak a few peeks per day on your social networks. But let’s take a deeper look into whether allowing social media for personal use leads to increased or decreased productivity by employees.

Social media was once primarily used for personal social interaction, as there wasn’t much to offer businesses on a marketing standpoint. But over time, these social networks have integrated more and more ways for businesses in a broad range of industries to market their products to consumers. From a business owner’s viewpoint, I can see how using social media to market and engage your consumer is a positive aspect of these social networks. We have steered away from outsourced phone calls and emails that take weeks to get a response and shifted towards direct and sometimes immediate responses. Whether it is a positive or negative remark, comment or question, managers of these social platforms are always connected to these sites thanks to modern technology. Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: SteelVault Data Centers

4 May

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management This week on our Social Media Spotlight, we present SteelVault Data Centers. Launched in August of 2009, SteelVault is an IT Infrastructure Hosting company based out of New York City with Data Centers throughout New England.  Their drive and passion for the IT industry has caused them to seek out venues to differentiate themselves in an industry that is “overly crowded with bland data center marketing and appeal.” We had the opportunity to speak with Timothy Wahba, Co-Founder of Steel Vault, and here is what he had to say.

What social media platforms do you currently use?

T: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Our company has just begun to incorporate social media actively. Ironically, for a tech-oriented company comprised of the social media generation, we are late to enter. Continue reading…