Tag Archives: consumer engagement

How to Manage Your Social Media Comments

31 Oct

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementIf your social media strategy is anything like ours, then your brand is probably on numerous social media sites. That means you have a bunch of fans visiting and interacting with each post that you publish. There is a certain response etiquette that is important to follow when answering your fans. Let’s take a look at each social platform and see how to enhance our response strategy.

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How to Make Your Social Media Sites Stand Out From the Competition

19 Sep

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementDo you sit down and look at your company’s Facebook page everyday thinking, what can I do differently? Do you find that you are posting the same kind of material daily or that when you try to engage your audience with a thought-provoking question, there’s no response? It’s time to step your social media game up. Let’s see how we create a buzz around your Facebook, Twitter and blog sites…

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Social Media Content Strategy: How, When and What to Post

12 Sep

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media management, social media strategy, contentA large portion of my job is to conduct research in order to find how and if local businesses are using social media. For the most part, many companies have a Facebook and Twitter page set up, but seem to post infrequently and only use content that directs their fans to their website. This is upsetting for me, as I’m sure most of these companies believe they have a good social media strategy in place. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Content is king when it comes to your social media strategy, so let’s see how, when and what you should be posting.

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Our Top Ten Social Media Tips

15 Aug

social media marketing, social media management, social media tips, progressive media concepts

Here at Progressive Media Concepts, not only do we like to explain to our readers why social media is important and why businesses should be using it in their marketing plan, but we like to give advice on HOW to use it. Every Tuesday and Thursday we are posting new social media tips and tricks for our fans. Today, I am selecting our top ten tips and tricks, and sharing them with you. These are shortcuts and strategies we have learned along our own social media journey. Enjoy!

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How To Use Social Media Marketing to Join the Conversation About Your Brand

20 Jun

Many businesses of all sizes are still reluctant to jump on the social media bandwagon. Executives may be scared that by creating social media sites, new avenues are built for negative comments and bad reviews about their brand. Unfortunately, this type of mindset is ignorant – people are talking about your brand online regardless if you have a Facebook or not, and not only in a negative way! There are hundreds of review sites, open forums, discussion boards, and personal opinions being shared over the Internet every second. Both positive and negative feedback is being dispersed all over the web, which can have both advantages and disadvantages if not handled properly.

Consumers trust other consumers’ thoughts and opinions more than they trust the company itself. Why wouldn’t you want to join in on what they’re saying? Creating social media accounts for your company gives your customers a space to come and discuss your brand. Having a Facebook or Twitter page lets fans interact with you AND their peers on a daily basis. Through social media sites, you have the ability to create a community around your brand and take lead of the conversation.

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