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How Social Shopping is Evolving on Facebook

30 Sep
Social Shopping

Via Mashable

Ecommerce is and will always be around. How we can evolve ecommerce to make it more enjoyable for the shopper is what will revolutionize the way we shop. It was of no surprise that one of Facebook’s uncountable number of updates involved allowing brands to make their business page an ecommerce site through the use of applications. Facebook is a revolution within itself, with every update trying to one-up the bar for themselves. So now that Facebook has combined your ability to max out credit cards with your ability to gossip to several different people at once, what is next for the ecommerce realm? Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: Swipes Lovin Wipes

1 Jun

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management This week’s featured company for our Social Media Spotlight is Swipes Lovin Wipes. An eco-friendly company owned by women, Swipes is dedicated to providing safe and natural wipes specifically designed for use before or after intimate moments. To purchase Swipes Lovin Wipes you can visit or visit  We had the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Scott, Director of Business Development for Swipes Lovin Wipes, and here is what he had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…

How Social Media Marketing Works for E-Commerce Business

28 Mar

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management It is a no-brainer that social media sites are excellent marketing tools for all types of businesses, but e-commerce sites have an advantage when it comes to using the different networks. For one, consider the e-commerce target market: online shoppers. People who spend their time on the Internet searching for products to buy are more than likely spending time on social media sites as well. This is just one reason why social media cannot be overlooked as a marketing tool within the e-commerce industry.

Promoting products and services on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs are a great way to drive consumers to your site and make sales. Social media outlets are good tools for link building; therefore by posting URLs that link back to your site, you are more likely to see an increase in traffic. Social media gives businesses the means to direct traffic to whichever site they want, whether it be a product giveaway on a blog site or a link to a coupon. E-commerce sites have an advantage over brick-and-mortar businesses because their consumers are just a click away from their products and do not have to travel into a store.

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