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How to Get More People “Talking” About Your Brand on Facebook

21 Oct

If you are a Facebook page administrator, you have seen the new insight, “talking about you,” on your fan page. It is a great new insight offered by Facebook that allows you to see how many people are actually talking about or interacting with your brand. This feature will be useful for tracking data and the success or failure of a promotion or event. Clearly the more people you have “talking about” your brand, the more engagement your Facebook page is seeing, which, in any social media campaign, is a GOOD thing. But what does “talking about you” mean?

Fans are considered to be talking when they carry out the following actions:

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What the New Facebook Insights Mean for Your Social Media Campaign

14 Oct

Yes, it’s true. Facebook has implemented another change to its already chaotic update schedule. However, this update is actually great! Facebook has changed their analytic tools to give page managers more insight into how their Facebook page is performing. They have made it much more aesthetically pleasing for the user. So aside from how it looks, those who record and interpret analytical data are now happier due to the renovations. Let’s talk more about the functionality of the new update.

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How Social Shopping is Evolving on Facebook

30 Sep
Social Shopping

Via Mashable

Ecommerce is and will always be around. How we can evolve ecommerce to make it more enjoyable for the shopper is what will revolutionize the way we shop. It was of no surprise that one of Facebook’s uncountable number of updates involved allowing brands to make their business page an ecommerce site through the use of applications. Facebook is a revolution within itself, with every update trying to one-up the bar for themselves. So now that Facebook has combined your ability to max out credit cards with your ability to gossip to several different people at once, what is next for the ecommerce realm? Continue reading…

Social Media Spotlight: Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses

28 Sep

Sam Bridge Nursery and GreenhousesFor this week’s Social Media Spotlight, we are happy to present Sam Bridge Nursery and Greenhouses. Sam Bridge Nursery is a full service, year-round, garden center that provides customers with a large selection of top quality plants for the home and garden. Not only do they supply plants, they also offer landscape design, installation, and Sam Bridge Premier Garden Care. Sam Bridge Nursery is well known within their industry and has been providing top quality products for over 80 years. We had the pleasure to speak with the manager of sales and marketing for Sam Bridge Nursery, Maggie Bridge, about their social media campaign, and here is what she had to say: Continue reading…

What the New Facebook Features Mean for Your Business Page

26 Sep

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementThe newest changes made to Facebook have been getting a lot of mixed reviews from users everywhere. Facebook aims to engage its users with new features such as the ticker and the selected top stories depending on their “interests.” While the ticker shows users every move made by any of their friends throughout their network, the updated newsfeed pulls stories, posts, and photos that Facebook believes would be most valuable to you. On the Facebook blog, they compare the newsfeed to reading the first page of a newspaper; what matters most will be shown first. How does this have an impact on the businesses that have created a buzz on Facebook?

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How to Make Your Social Media Sites Stand Out From the Competition

19 Sep

progressive media concepts, social media marketing, social media managementDo you sit down and look at your company’s Facebook page everyday thinking, what can I do differently? Do you find that you are posting the same kind of material daily or that when you try to engage your audience with a thought-provoking question, there’s no response? It’s time to step your social media game up. Let’s see how we create a buzz around your Facebook, Twitter and blog sites…

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Social Media Spotlight: GUESS Watches

31 Aug

These days, who has the time to keep track of time? This is precisely why we are proud to introduce a company who is restyling the timepiece industry, one wrist at a time. GUESS Watches is a timekeeping accessory company with a focus on lifestyle driven fashion. Their watches are sold in over 100 countries globally to fit the fashion and style of everyone’s need. If you haven’t browsed through their wide selection of watches, you must visit GUESS Watches online today. We had the pleasure of speaking with Tarra Del Chiaro, New Media Specialist for GUESS Watches, about their social media campaign. Here is what she had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use? Continue reading…

Facebook vs. Google Plus Round 2

8 Jul

Facebook vs Google+If you are an avid user of today’s social media networking sites, you are aware of the battle between Facebook and Google Plus for the supremacy of the social network industry. In round one, Google released the first wave of beta testing to select individuals, to test out the newest platform in Google’s arsenal to compete with Facebook. So far, all the reviews have been great and it seems as though Google has one-upped Facebook in terms of innovation and ease for its user base.

Except, there are two problems. One: Google is still in the trial phase and has not gone live for the general public since it is a closed testing. Two: Facebook has just fired back a combination of hits straight into the heart of Google Plus – video chat and group chat.
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Social Media Spotlight: Jay-O Productions

15 Jun

Jay-O Productions companyOn this week’s installment of Social Media Spotlight, we bring to you Jay-O Productions, a musical production company that creates tempos, tunes and beats for artists to record their lyrics onto. Started in 2008, Jay-O Productions has put out several releases to the public, allowing anyone to listen to their music. They have also posted beat-making videos on their YouTube channel, which is very innovative and gives you a personal feel into the activities of this production company. We had the pleasure to speak with the CEO and Founder of Jay-O Productions, Jason Osborne, about their social media strategies. Here is what he had to say:

What social media platforms do you currently use?

J: I currently use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There is a good chance I have an account on any media outlet that’s popular.

 What value, if any, does social media provide to your business?

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A Social Media Bubble?

10 Jun

Is there a social media bubble?Just like when anything has a rise in popularity, those sticking to their guns on the sidelines always have to raise controversy. So now that social media is the newest and hottest form of marketing and advertising, that must mean there is a bubble? A social media bubble you say? Like the dot-com bubble, right? Wrong. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the validity or effectiveness of using social media. Most common arguments claim you can’t measure ROI, or that social media relationships are fake, or whatever people will say to negate the power of social media. The arguments are a dime a dozen and rarely backed with any good juicy information. I also read an article about this “social media bubble” on the Harvard Business Review, stating social media is creating artificial connections. This article is to those skeptics who see no true value in social media and or claim there is a “bubble” inflating…

Now I am not trying to call out this one article in particular, it is very well written with great points. The writer may just lack further insight into social media as a whole, as most of his arguments are based on opinion. Continue reading