Tag Archives: Nintendo 64

True Life: HTML and Website Design

8 Apr

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management So Friday has finally arrived, and this week has been a hectic one, with much more work to be done. The focus recently, other than managing our client’s accounts with the highest regard for success in mind, is the construction of our soon to be completed website. Now for anyone who has undertaken the project of creating a website, kudos my friend, we respect you. Most companies will hire web-savvy developers to create a site that fits the needs of a company or even individual, but who has that kind of money in today’s economy? Being in the social media industry, it would be bad for business to not do it ourselves. So what better way to prove our dominance in this industry, then to take a concept and get the job done ourselves?

HTML, CSS, JAVA, XML, FLASH… just to name a few of the ongoing list of coding languages needed to create a sufficient and well-suited website are the equivalent of reading a Chinese newspaper. Now I will not sit here and preach that I am above average on my ability to understand and write coding for a site, but I will say, aside from the stress and thought of smashing laptops on an hourly basis, I am having a ton of fun.

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