Tag Archives: Start-Ups

Book Review: Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed

6 Jun

Progressive Media Concepts - Social Media Marketing and Management When Patrick Schwerdtfeger contacted PMC through our blog to offer an advance copy of his new book, Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed, I immediately took the opportunity to speak with him. A brief phone conversation led me to learn interesting things about Patrick; earlier he had self-published a book, Webify Your Business, and his new one is essentially an updated version. His first book received such great reviews that John Wiley and Sons, Inc. picked it up and published it. Because Patrick was very down-to-earth, educated in entrepreneurship, and extremely willing to network, I have decided to write a book review for Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed. This book shares valuable information, tricks, and advice for any self-started business.

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Introducing… Progressive Media Concepts

21 Dec

Progressive Media Concepts is a small business venture that was created by two young entrepreneurs, who have a proficient understanding of social media. PMC works with small businesses and start-ups to create and maintain numerous social media sites. Our company offers a variety of site management services, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Flickr, MySpace, and YouTube. PMC’s main objectives are to collaborate with all clients, develop an in-depth perception of their industry and target market, and use that information to enhance their Internet presence. Through the implementation of social media sites, PMC will be able to expand their clients’ existing consumer base and build lasting relationships with new users. Clients can expect to see an improvement in brand awareness, a larger consumer following, enhanced SEO, and an increase in website traffic by using PMC’s services. PMC takes on the responsibility of managing targeted social media campaigns by providing a personal focus to your company.